EmTechWIKI needs your help to stay current to represent the vast amount of free emerging technology tools, tutorials, and resources!
If you have not done so already, first Log In or Create an Account
Add a New Tool/Resource or Modify an Existing Resource to earn a SUNY #EmTech Contributor Badge!
Please help grow our collection of 600+ resources (see below for more info!)

Learn more about EmTech certificates and digital badges.
All additions and modifications need to be approved before they appear in the live WIKI. In rare cases, we may choose to not publish an entry if the tool/resource is not within the scope of the EmTech project or if it is not available as a free resource.
To add or edit resources, you need to create an EmTechWIKI WordPress account. WordPress is the platform that this EmTechWIKI website has been created with. This account is different from any account you may have created to log in to the #EmTech course in Coursera.
How to Add a New Tool or Resource
Before adding new resources, it is a good idea to search EmTechWIKI to be sure the resource you wish to add does not already exist. If it does exist, see how to Modify a Tool or Resource below.
- Log In and follow the prompts to create an EmTechWIKI account.
- Now, click this link to Add a Tool.
- Enter a title and a brief description.
- Include a link to the tool or resource.
- Add any supporting links, for example, tutorials for using the tool/resource.
- If desired, add additional keywords separated by commas at the bottom of the entry.
- Select the appropriate objectives and categories.
- Click the “Submit for Review” button to save your work.
- The EmTech Team will then review your submission and upload a featured image within a few days.
- Finally, complete this form to claim your EmTechWIKI Contributor Badge.
How to Modify an Existing Tool or Resource
- Log In to create an EmTechWIKI account.
- Now, click this link to Modify a Tool and make your desired changes.
- Click the “Submit for Review” button to save your work.
- The EmTech Team will review your submission within a few days.
- Remember, to also complete the form to claim your EmTechWIKI Contributor Badge.
Watch this video to learn how to add or modify a tool or resource to EmTechWIKI.
Additional Resources:
- Consult the WordPress Made Simple – the bare essentials for information about making changes formatting tips using WordPress, the software that powers this website.
- See the EmTechWIKI Terms of Service.