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Help Enrolling in #EmTech in Coursera

Information about enrolling in #EmTech and the variety of offers and discounts that are available is below. An additional page of general Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is also available.

What is the enrollment date?

How do I enroll in #EmTech in Coursera?

How much does it cost to enroll?

How do I enroll at no cost if I am from a SUNY institution?

How do I enroll if I am a SUNY alumnus?

How do I enroll at no cost if I am from a formal SUNY partner institution?

What US states offer free Coursera enrollment?

How do I enroll in Coursera for Campus, Workforce Recovery, or another offer?

If I am affiliated with SUNY, am I able to enroll in any other Coursera MOOCs or Specializations for free?

What if I have trouble enrolling?

Enrolling in #EmTech in Coursera

Q. When is the enrollment date?

A. Enroll at any time. The Coursera timeline and activity deadlines are meant to keep you on track and motivated. You can learn at your own pace and proceed as fast (or as slow) as you’d like. You can Reset your personal deadlines as needed.

Q. How do I enroll?

A. If you are a student, faculty, or staff from one of the 64 SUNY campuses and you have a SUNY-based email, see the following information for specific instructions about how to enroll. If you do not have an email address from a SUNY campus, you can enroll directly through Coursera.

Q. How much does it cost to enroll in #EmTechMOOC?

A. Anyone from across the globe can participate in the MOOC, including participating in all assessments, at no cost. There is a small charge ($49 USD) to be able to also earn a Coursera Certificate and Digital Badges. People from SUNY and others who are eligible to take advantage of the many Coursera promotions can also enroll for free, and also earn a Certificate and a Digital Badge. More info about the various offers is below.

Q. How do I enroll at no cost if I am affiliated with a SUNY institution?

A. Every State University of New York (SUNY) student, faculty, staff, alumni, and anyone who is part of a SUNY partnership may participate in #EmTech for free and earn a verified Coursera Certificate of Completion and a SUNY #EmTech Completer Badge. SUNY affiliates must register through the EmTech homepage using a SUNY-based email address.

Steps to Login to #EmTech in Coursera Using a SUNY Email Address

    1. If you do not have a Coursera account that uses a SUNY email address, you need to first sign up and create an account on Coursera.
      Always use a password that is different than the one you use to access your official campus email services.)
    2. You will need to verify your Coursera account by clicking the link that is sent to your email.
    3. After you successfully create a Coursera account, click the following link to Enroll with SUNY Email, or click the button on the EmTech homepage. (Do NOT click Log In with Facebook or Log In with your Organization.)
    4. Enter your campus email and your Coursera password.
    5. Finally, click the Accept Invitation button that will display.

Q. How do I enroll if I am a SUNY alumnus?

A. If you are SUNY alumni, either enroll directly using your SUNY campus-based email address. If you no longer have a SUNY email address or if your email address uses something other than your standard campus email format, contact the #EmTech team and provide proof that you are an alumnus and we will manually process your enrollment request.

Q. How do I enroll at no cost if I am from a formal SUNY partner institution?

A. If you have a formal SUNY-partnership (i.e., Center for Online International Learning (COIL) partners or people in an official volunteer capacity), you are eligible to enroll by using a campus email address. If a SUNY campus-based email address is unavailable or if your email address uses something other than your standard campus-email format, contact the #EmTech team and provide proof that you are in a partnership agreement and we will manually process your enrollment request.

Q. What US states offer free Coursera enrollment?

A. If you live in the state of New York, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, or Tennessee you may be eligible to enroll in Coursera courses at no cost. Refer to the New York State Department of Labor, Maine CareerCenters, Minnesota CareerForce, Missouri Office of Workforce Development, or the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development websites for information. The guidelines for applying through some of these agencies sometimes say that you need to be under-employed. Nearly everyone can classify their status as under-employed since we all strive to grow within our selected career paths.

Q. If I am affiliated with SUNY, am I able to enroll in any other Coursera MOOCs or Specializations for free?

A. SUNY is one of the newest members to join a new Coursera Consortium Agreement. This allows any current SUNY student, faculty, or staff to enroll in a majority of Coursera courses and Specializations and earn Coursera Certificates at no cost. To take advantage of this opportunity, it is necessary to enter the Coursera platform using this special Consortium link. You must also be registered in Coursera using your SUNY-based email address. You will also have the option to enroll in #EmTech for free through this program. Learn more info about the SUNY & Coursera partnership that is available.

Q. How do I enroll in Coursera for Campus (C4C), Coursera Workforce Recovery, or another offer?

A. Follow the instructions provided by your institution or organization.

Q. What if I have trouble enrolling?

A. If you have difficulty enrolling, go to the Coursera website and create your Coursera account first, before clicking “Enroll with SUNY Email” on the EmTech homepage. For further assistance, contact Coursera Support or the #EmTech team.