Adobe Aero

Adobe Aero

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Aero offers multiple options for crafting, sharing, and viewing augmented reality (AR) experiences. Create in the app, capture a video for sharing on social, and send a link that lets anyone view it in augmented reality on iOS. Aero also lets you export and share a . real file containing all the interactive behaviors.

Whether you’re expanding a gallery, creating a virtual tour, or augmenting a book, Aero makes it easy. Bring in 2D images from Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, or 3D models from Adobe Substance 3D Stager, third-party apps like Cinema 4D, or asset libraries like TurboSquid. Aero optimizes a wide array of assets, including OBJ, GLB, and gITF files, for AR, so you can visualize them in real time.


Adobe Aero
