Adobe Education Exchange

Adobe Education Exchange

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Adobe Education Exchange is a free learning platform and community, designed by educators for educators. It’s a great place to find materials to help you and your students learn about working with images, video, and audio media.


Adobe Education Exchange


After you’ve logged into “EdEx” you’ll find:

  • Lesson plans and other learning materials
  • Self-directed workshop
  • Live short courses

Membership is free and, at the simplest level, you can simply browse the resources and take advantage of ones that fit your situation. To engage more deeply, complete a self-directed workshop or sign up for an online class. You can even become an active contributor, uploading resources you have created. As you get more deeply involved, your status changes from “Member” to “Contributor” – eventually becoming a “Trendsetter.” You can also earn badges for several kinds of activities.


Keywords: tutorials, Adobe
