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Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME)

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The Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME) is a web-based program designed for use in higher education to promote SMARTER Teamwork prepares students to function effectively in teams and supports faculty as they manage their students’ group and team experiences.
As an instructor, CATME can help you to:
  • Gather information from students and provide feedback to students.
  • Understand their student teams’ processes, team-members’ contributions, and students’ perspectives on their experience.
  • Be aware of problems occurring in their students’ teams.
  • Hold students accountable for contributing to their teams.
  • Use best practices when managing student team experiences.

Note: Creating a CATME account and testing the system is free for all users. Otherwise, there is a licensing fee for using this service. Instructors can create and modify surveys for free using CATME’s Student Test Files. 

