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You are encouraged to use any available platform or tool to create your EmTech ePortfolio. A few of the many freely-available ePortfolio tools that you can use to build your portfolio can be located through EmTechWIKI and searching the ePortfolio category.

Digication is a leading provider of ePortfolio and assessment management systems. Digication develops its platform with students, faculty, programs, and institutions’ needs in mind, and enables institutions to close the loop that links student learning to institutional assessment and reporting.


Digication’s Official Website


Digication Tutorials

Quick-Start Guide for the New Digication ePortfolios will provide basic information about how to get started using the New Digication.

Getting Started with New Digication video tutorials introduce many of the features you will use to create and edit your ePortfolio.

Digication Student Guide contains more in-depth information about creating your ePortfolio.


Publishing and Permissions

You need to Publish your ePortfolio every time you make any changes. You can select the blue “Publish Changes” button, but it is best to go to your main ePortfolio setting and select Publish Pages. If you use the default Digication template, then you will need to go to the Settings menu to adjust permissions. The (2 minute) video tutorial and the images below show the process of publishing and setting permissions. The Digication Support website has additional information about publishing and how to set permissions in the New version of Digication.

The following image shows the setting to make an ePortfolio public.
Digication First Time Publishing


Modify the Header Slide and Site Menus on All Pages of Your Site

This page shares information about modifying the header slide (which shows across all pages of your portfolio). Learn how to modify the site menu and how to modify your site’s pages.


Add Your Digital Badges to Your ePortfolio

If you’re using the New Digication, there’s now a Credly Badge Module to make it easier.  You can add the Credly module to any page of your ePortfolio and then log in to your Credly account to select the badges you’d like to display. Each badge can be resized and positioned on the page using the module and resize tools allowing you to display your badges alongside examples of work and reflections on your skills and experiences. There are also more general instructions on how to claim and share your Credly badges in your ePortfolio and on your social media networks.


Digication Help and Support

Digication ePortfolio users can get help through Digication Help pages. If necessary, you can also reach out to the support team using Digication’s contact form or by calling 1-888-342-DIGI.

You can find many more tutorials by doing a search on the web. To find relevant tutorials, include “New Digication” in quotes in your search. Digication recently discontinued its support of the original version of “Classic Digication.”
Keywords: ePortfolios, Visual Design, Websites