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Fotor – online photo editor and design maker

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Fotor is a photo editing platform, utilizing exclusive technology to bring an unprecedented level of editing control to everyone. [Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fotor]

It is a simplified suite of powerful editing tools for your images. Fotor’s fast and intuitive design brings advanced photo editing techniques to anyone who wants to try. With just a few clicks you can achieve impressive results that will let you push your creativity without having to learn some of the confusing ins and outs of other graphics editors.

Fotor’s software is available on every major mobile device, desktop computer, and online. Fotor One-Tap Enhance, a tool designed to improve the most common imaging problems in the shortest period of time is just one of the many unique features. Fotor GoArt, turn photos into classical painting style artwork. Fotor SDK, the ultimate solution to all users’ graphic needs.




Fotor Photo Editor Walkthrough – A YouTube video walkthrough for Fotor

A few YouTube video tutorials are below:


Keywords: Media, Photos & Images
