
MERLOT II (including Merlot OER & Content Builder)

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A program of the California State University System partnering with education institutions, professional societies, and industry to bring together a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community. Each resource has been reviewed by faculty familiar with the discipline and rated by the community of users. OER include full courses, websites, videos, test sets, textbooks, and tutorials.


MERLOT II (including Merlot OER & Content Builder)


MERLOT Help – A ‘context-sensitive’ help system designed for users who require information or assistance about the MERLOT website, functionality, or services.

How to Use MERLOT – Resource guide providing links to several pages for using MERLOT in your classroom.

Merlot Content Builder – offers a quick and easy way to deliver web-based open content, hosted through the CSU and MERLOT. Content Builder resources can easily be incorporated into MERLOT’s vast OER search engine in addition.

This playlist has a number of video tutorials to learn how to use the Merlot Content Builder Tutorials to build an ePortfolio or a website for a variety of purposes.


Keywords: Open Educational Resources (OER) & Open Access
