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Presentations About SUNY #EmTech

A variety of presentations about #EmTech have been shared with the broader education community.

Arizona State University (ASU) ShapingEDU. Tech Tools Cook-Off 3-part Series. R. Puentedera, T. Haymes, N. Simon, R.R. Sullivan. (2022-2023 AY – TBD)

SUNY Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT). Oswego, NY. (May 23, 2023)

WNY Regional Maker Faire. Lake Shore High School School, Angola, NY. (May 13, 2023)

International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC). Valencia, Spain. (October 26-28, 2022)

Eportfolio Forum (Dual delivery). The University of Melbourne. (October 26-27, 2022)

University of Business and Technology (UBT). Saudi Arabia. Faculty Online Professional Development series. (2021-2022 and 2022-2023 AY)

Lifelong Information Literacy (LILi), Online. (October 5, 2022)
Recording | Slides

Northeast OER Summit. N. Simon & C. Marchese. Online. (May 18, 2022)

Learning with Innovative Technology Conference (LIT), SUNY Empire State College, NY.  (July 22, 2022)

Open Apereo 2022: The Value of Open Source. N. Simon. Online. (June 14-15, 2022)

SUNY Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT). Oswego, NY. (June 1, 2022)

Teaching, Learning, & Technology Conference (TLTCon). College of Charleston. Online. (May 18, 2022)

WNY Regional Maker Faire. Big Tree Elementary School, Hamburg, NY. (April 30, 2022)

EmTech Maker Faire - Frontier 043022

Gather Conference – Looking Forward, Looking Back. (April 29, 2022)
Recording (20 min)

Peralta Community College District’s Online Equity Conference. Help learners gain equitable lifelong learning and
digital literacy skills through SUNY EmTech. (April 27. 2022)
Recording (45 min.) | Slides

Library 2.022 mini-conference: “Virtual Reality and Learning: Leading the Way.” March 29th, 2022. Shifting time and space to create authentic learning experiences with SUNY #EmTechMOOC.
Recording (25 min.) | Slides

Kane, J., & Mushtare, R. (Hosts). (2022, March 23). The EmTech MOOC (232) [Audio podcast episode]. C. van Putten & N. Simon. Tea for Teaching Podcast (40 min.)

232. The EmTech MOOC

American Library Association – Instructional Technologies Interest Group (Core IG Week). Help library patrons gain lifelong learning and digital literacy skills through SUNY EmTech. (March 10,2022)

The State University of New York (SUNY) Online Summit – Unconference. (March 2, 2022)
Recording (3 min.)

Arizona State University (ASU) ShapingEDU Pente Pitch Challenge. (February 23, 2022)
 (10 min.)

Institute for New Paradigms. EmTechWIKI & EmTechMOOC – State University of New York. (February 9, 2022)
Recording (1 hr.) | Slides

New York Library Association (NYLA) Conference. Syracuse, NY. Session sponsored by the Section on Management of Information Resources and Technology (SMART). (Nov. 5, 2021) Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning & Success

OpenEd 22 Conference. Online. (October 20, 2022)

Rockland Community College. Faculty Professional Development Day. (Oct. 8, 2021)

EDUCAUSE QuickTalk. Expanding the Digital Literacy Influence of SUNY’s #EmTechMOOC. (Oct. 8, 2021)
Brief intro video (4 min.) | Recording (available to EDUCAUSE members – 1 hr.)

HighEdWeb (Online) (Oct. 4, 2021) Interacting and engaging with students using accessible apps from EmTechWIKI
Recording (5 min.)| Slides

WordPressCampus (Online) (Sept. 21, 2021) Interacting and engaging with students using accessible apps from EmTechWIKI
Recording (20 min.)| Slides

Suffolk Community College. Professional Development Day. (March 2, 2021)

State University of New York (SUNY) Online Summit. SUNY 2021 Effective Online Practice Award Showcase, (Feb. 26, 2021)
Presentation | Recording (8 min.)

OpenEd Conference. #OpenEd21. Virtual. (Nov. 12, 202o)
Presentation | Recording (23 min.)

SUNY Faculty Development Conference. SUNY Center for Professional Development (CPD). “Interacting and Engaging with Students using
Accessible Apps from EmTechWIKI.” (Oct. 22, 2020)

SUNY Technology Conference (STC). “Interacting and Engaging with Students using Accessible Apps from EmTechWIKI.” Online. (June 17, 2020)
Presentation | Recording (1 hr.)

Using a MOOC as Course Content and Activities: Faculty and Student Experiences.” A revised virtual format prepared for the SUNY Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT). Aaron, L., Gradel, K., Marino, P., Sherry, C., Sullivan, R. R., Tinnesz, C., van Putten, C.. Online. (June 4, 2020)
Presentation | Recording (1-hr.)

UB Libraries’ Micro-credential and Alternative Credentials Mini-series. “Intro Webinar for Students and Faculty: Build 21st-Century Skills through SUNY #EmTechMOOC.” Online. (April 22, 2020).
Presentation | Recording (20 min.)

SUNY Remote Teaching Clinic. “Creating Captioned Lectures on a Shoestring Budget.” Greatrix, M. & Sullivan, R. R.. Online. (March 20, 2020).
Presentation | Recording (45 min.)

State University of New York (SUNY) Open Education Week events. Introduction to SUNY Exploring Emerging Technologies: for Lifelong Learning and Success #EmTechMOOC and EmTechWIKI (March 4, 2020)
Presentation | Recording (20 min.)

Helping STEM Students Thrive – Adult Learning Pathways, Alternative Models. “Microcredentials as a learning pathway.” Harvard University and the University at Buffalo Women in STEM Cooperative (UB WISC). Online. (November 20, 2019).
Presentation | Recording

Global Education Conference. “Democratizing Learning and Building Partnerships through #EmTechMOOC.” Online. (November 19, 2019).
Presentation | Recording | Conference Playlist

Teaching Methods in Foreign Languages in the Department of Romance Languages & Literature. University at Buffalo. Buffalo, NY. (November 19, 2019)

National Distance Learning Week. SUNY NDLW presentation, “Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success (#EmTechMOOC): experiences of student learners for course requirements.” Online. (November 7, 2019)
Presentation | Recording

Library 2.019: Emerging Technology – Library 2.0. San Jose State University. Online. (October 29, 2019)

Western New York Library Resources Council. Intersect 2019: The Global Library. Buffalo, NY. (October 4, 2019)

Rochester Regional Library Council. Rochester Librarian Tech Camp, Spencerport, NY. (August 21, 2019)

SUNY Fredonia. Teaching & Learning Conference. “Interacting & Engaging with Students using Accessible Apps.” Fredonia, NY. (August 19, 2019)

UB Alumni Webinar Wednesdays. Online. (August 14, 2019)

Learning with Innovative Technology Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, “Techniques for Engaging Students: Exploring Emerging Technologies with #EmTechMOOC”. L. Aaron, A. Butler, M. Matcovich. (July 12, 2019)

SUNY Librarians Association (SUNYLA). Onondaga Community College, “The Great Migration.” (June 13, 2019)

Rochester Regional Library Council, “High School to College: Supporting Student Success,” Brockport, NY (May 22, 2019)

High School to College RRLC

SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT). Transforming Challenges into Solutions. R. Sullivan, C. van Putten. SUNY Purchase. (May 28, 2019)

Open SUNY Fellow Chat, Online. (May 01, 2019)
Presentation | Recording

SUNY Faculty Development Conference: Answering the Chancellor’s Call. R. Rigolino. SUNY New Paltz. (April 4, 2019)

International Open Badge Night. Jointly organized by the Association Reconnaitre – ORA, the Ligue de l’enseignement and Let’s Hub. Online. (March 20, 2019)
Presentation slides | Video

Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Innovate. Denver, CO. (April 5, 2019)
Presentation | Recording (login needed)

EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Annual Meeting. Online and Blended Learning Community Group, Using Freely Available Emerging Technologies to Engage Learners. Anaheim, CA.

Written Communication (COM 300), University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY (March 4, 2019)
Presentation slides

Ontario Open Badges Forum. Systemwide Badging and Campus-Based Strategies at SUNY, eCampus Ontario. Toronto, ON, Canada. (March 1, 2019)
Presentation | Recording

Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL Network). Teaching with Technology. Online. (Feb. 28, 2019)

Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT Group) FridayLive online webinar hosted by Steve Gilbert. (Dec. 7, 2018).

Presentation Slides | Chat Transcript | TLT Session Website | TLT Permissions
Watch the 15-minute excerpt above, or view the complete (1 1/2 hour) video. 

Western New York Blackboard Usergroup (WNYBUG). Hamburg, NY. (Nov. 9, 2018)

SUNY Center for Professional Development (CPD). Professional Development Week. Digital Badges and Other Ways to Document Faculty Development Activities. Online. (Nov.13, 2018)
Presentation | Recording

Helping STEM Students Thrive: Course Design for Inclusion in STEM. Practical Applications to Support Diversity & Inclusivity. Harvard Graduate School of Education & University at Buffalo. Online. (Nov. 7, 2018)
Presentation | Recording

Digital Badges Interest Group Fall Meeting. Association of College Research Libraries (ACRL). With A. Ecklund; Hunter College, J. Ward; Canvas. Online. (Nov. 6, 2018)
Presentation | Recording | LibGuide

Inclusive Excellence Summit. University at Buffalo. A MOOC for ALL learners: Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success. With K. Behun. Buffalo, NY. (May 3, 2018)

The State University of New York (SUNY) announces: Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success MOOC. Shindig webinar. (March 27, 2018)
Presentation Slides | Recording | Transcript

Conference on Teaching and Learning (CCTL). Niagara University. Transitioning the Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP) to a MOOC for ALL Learners. (Jan. 9, 2018)

Learning with Innovative Technology Conference. Saratoga Springs, NY. “Exploring Emerging Technologies (#EmTechMOOC) for Student Success”. L. Aaron, K. Copp Brown, A. Butler, M. Matcovich. (June 29, 2018)

Moodlepalooza, How Can #EmTechMOOC Benefit Your Campus Community? Virtual session for SUNY Delhi, Delhi, NY. (June 6, 2018)
Presentation slides | Recording (45 min.)

Center for Educational Innovation, University at Buffalo. Analyzing 4 Years of Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP) Data & Providing Recommendations as the Project Transitions into a MOOC. V. Neu.[University at Buffalo]. Buffalo, NY. Online presentation. (Dec. 12, 2017)
Presentation | Recording (20 min.)

Directors of Online and Distance Learning (DOODLE) Days, Syracuse, NY. (Nov. 30, 2017)
Presentation slides

Open SUNY COTE, National Distance Learning Wee sponsored by the USDLA, “Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success MOOC.” Online. (Nov. 10, 2017)
Presentation slides

Conference on ePortfolios, Open Badges, Open Recognition, Identities (ePIC), “Equipping All Learners with 21st-Century Skills,” Bologna, Italy (Oct. 25, 2017)
PresentationRecording (17 min.) | Publication in conference proceeding is pending.

Western New York Blackboard User Group (WNYBUG) Conference, Hamburg, NY. (Oct. 6, 2017)
PresentationRecording (45 min.)

SUNY Technology Conference (STC). Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success: Transitioning a successful SUNY-wide faculty development platform into a MOOC for ALL learners to gain essential 21st-century skills. With Jim Whitlock. Saratoga Springs, NY. (2018)

Open SUNY COTE, National Distance Learning Week sponsored by the USDLA, “Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success MOOC.” Online. (Nov. 10, 2017)
PresentationRecording (30 min.)

Open SUNY National Distance Learning Week

Learning with Innovative Technology Conference, SUNY Empire State College and the Saratoga Springs City School District, “Retention of STEM Students: SUNY’s Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP),” L. Aaron, A. Butler, M. Matcovich, [Rockland Community College], Saratoga Springs, NY.  (July 07, 2017)

SUNY 2017 Conference on Instructional Technologies (CIT), “Scaling-Up On-demand, Online Faculty Development: Three Different Approaches,” R. Sullivan [University at Buffalo], C. van Putten [Binghamton University], L. Aaron, T. Lipton [Rockland Community College], R. Rigolino [SUNY New Paltz], Gina Sipley [Nassau Community College], Oneonta, NY. (June 1, 2017)
Poster | PresentationRecording

Access additional scholarly research and publications based on SUNY’s Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP)
a SUNY-wide online faculty professional development in which EmTech is modeled after.