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Awards & Scholarly Publications

SUNY #EmTech Awards

Arizona State University ShapingEDU Pente Pitch Challenge – A proposal that uses the SUNY EmTech model as a basis for the pitch tied for 4th place. The proposed idea combines the efforts of the ShapingEDU Broadband Community, SUNY EmTech, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA), and other proposed partners to apply a train-the-trainer process to redesign EmTech to develop effective digital literacy training to create digital belonging. View the recording of the Pente Pitch here (10 min.). Award – $500. (2022). ASU ShapingEDU Pente Pitch
National Education Association (NEA) Learning and Leadership Grant
– Extending P20+ Instructors’ Abilities to Teach 21st-Century Skills and Develop Lifelong Learners through the Appropriate Use of Emerging Technologies. Principal Investigator – Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, Co-PIs – Nicole Simon, Christine Marchese, &  Cherie van Putten. Award – $5,000. (2021).
National Education Association NEA
Open SUNY Effective Practice Award Program – Honorable Mention – This award acknowledges best practices, strategies, and innovative online teaching and learning activities, initiatives, or programs with the Open SUNY community of online practitioners. SUNY Online Effective Practice
Educause 2019 Horizon Report > Higher Education Edition – The #EmTech Project Director, Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, served as a member of the 2019 EDUCAUSE Higher Ed Expert Panel to guide the discovery and selection process of the 2019 Horizon Project > Higher Ed Edition. The Horizon Project is a global ongoing research initiative that explores the trends, challenges, and technology developments likely to have an impact on teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. Results were released in April 2019. Educause Horizon Report
The State University of New York (SUNY) Innovative Instruction Technology Grant (IITG) – Keeping Pace with Web-based Technology: A MOOC for Lifelong Learning in a Digital Age. Principal Investigator – Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, Co-PI – Cherie van Putten & Chris Price with multiple collaborators across SUNY. Tier III – $46,500 (2017). SUNY IITG
The State University of New York, University at Buffalo – Professional Pathways Planning Grant, Inquiry-based and self-directed learning opportunity to support the UB Curriculum. Principal Investigator – Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, with collaborators from a variety of departments and units from around UB. $10,000 (2016-2017). University at Buffalo

Scholarly Publications

Sullivan, R. R., van Putten, C., Marchese, C., & Simon, N. (2022). SUNY Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success (#EmTechMOOC). University of Central Florida’s TOPkit: An Online Faculty Development Resource.

Sullivan, R. R., van Putten, C., Marchese, C., & Simon, N. (2021). Technology-infused ePortfolios Empower Lifelong Learners Through SUNY #EmTechMOOC. AAEEBL ePortfolio Review (AePR),  4(2), 55.

Matthews-DeNatale, G., Chen, H., Reynolds, C., Kelley, K., Penny Light, T., Blevins, S., Gilbert, B., Powell, A., Sullivan, R., van Putten, C., Turner, J., Donaldson, L., Miller, A., Mize, M. (2021). Swimming with the Sharks: Ideas and Feedback from the Annual Meeting. AAEEBL ePortfolio Review (AePR),  4(2), 72.

Sullivan, R. R., van Putten, C., Cole, E., Fulcher, K., Kruger, J., Sipley, G., Rigolino, R., Herman, J. (2021). Empowering Faculty to Design Technology-Enriched Student Learning: a Constructivist and Connectivist Hybrid MOOC. P. Maki & P. Shea (Eds.), Transforming Digital Learning and Assessment: A Guide to Available and Emerging Practices, and Building Institutional Consensus. (pp. 99-123). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing LLC.

Sullivan, R. R., & Van Putten, C. 2019. Building an ePortfolio to Showcase Mastery of 21st Century skills. In Chen, B., deNoyelles, A., & Thompson, K. (Eds.), Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository. Orlando, FL: University of Central Florida Center for Distributed Learning.

Sullivan, R. R., Fulcher, K., Kruger, J., Sipley, G., van Putten, C. (2019). Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success: A MOOC for Everyone. Journal of Educational Technology Systems. 47(2). 

Sullivan, R. R., Neu, V., Yang, F. (2018). Faculty Development to Promote Effective Instructional Technology Integration: A Qualitative Examination of Reflections in an Online CommunityOnline Learning Journal (OLJ). (22)4.

Sullivan, R. R., van Putten, C., Neu, V., Yang, F. (2018, October 24-26). Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP): Equipping All Learners with 21st-Century Skills. ePIC 2018, the 16th. International ePortfolio and Identity Conference (pp. 92-95), Paris. Caen, France: Reconnaître.

Access additional scholarly research and publications based on SUNY’s Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP) – a SUNY-wide online faculty professional development on which EmTech is modeled after.